+ 30 210 650 3004 Patriarchou Gregoriou E & 27 Neapoleos Str

Concorde Project

The ConcORDE project aims to provide a tool that can be used in all member states, irrespective of their local differences, to achieve an EU wide impact in improving coordination of emergency medical response.
A web-based platform will be developed to support and enhance the existing decision processes during medical emergencies at local, regional and cross-border levels, from small incidents to large scale emergency situations.

Through this work, we developed a Decision Support System to predict Medical Resources Required to be Dispatched After earthquakes and Flood.
Tele-health services are able to use IoT in Emergencies through this simple process:
– A WiFi network can be created by an Ambulance or any other Emergency Medical Services vehicle on the field.
-Devices can be connected to this WiFi network.
-Data can be transferred between applications inside the WiFi network.


The ConCORDE Rescue Application can alert medical first responders to life-threatening conditions by monitoring the vital signs of multiple trauma patients.
These data are continuously transmitted using Bluetooth low energy to a smartwatch (or a smartphone with an armband) which is placed on the patient arm.
The Rescue Application on the smartwatch/smartphone enables also other data to be transmitted from the patient like his/her triage status and location.
The Rescue App interface is simple and easy to use by medics improving their job by considerably reducing the time required to obtain data from the patients.