The open platform of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) market promotes a set of applications and services for those people who wish to be able to avoid dependency on nursing homes and prefer to continue to live actively and independently in their own homes.
The uniqueness of these open AAL platforms is that their products and services are more affordable, future-proof, adaptable and accessible than similar ones and at the same time leading to a great self-emerging AAL eco-system, as societal trends show.
The end-users (i.e. elderly people and people with disabilities, their caregivers and family members) benefit from it by making new solutions affordable, simple to configure, personalize and deploy.
UniversAAL aims to produce an open platform that provides a standardized approach making it technically feasible and economically viable to develop AAL solutions.
The platform will be produced by a mixture of new development and consolidation of state-of-the-art results from existing initiatives.
Syndesis Ltd joins the ReAAL family as an associated pilot site and will mainly assist the universAALisation of the proposed applications and integration of the services in the context of the ReAAL piloting initiative in Central Macedonia, Greece.
Syndesis Ltd, exploiting its know-how and expertise in ehealth applications and services will be the technology integrator of the universAALised apps and will support the operation of the pilots.
Of course, becoming a member of the REAAL pilot concept is something that will extend more its expertise and know-how.
View more at official web page .
More information on the added value of the universAAL IoT open platform here.