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Syndesis Ltd presented at the HIPEAC conference in Toulouse France

Syndesis Ltd presented at the HIPEAC conference in Toulouse France https://www.hipeac.net/2023/toulouse/#/ its edge computing developments within the framework of the VEDLIOT edge4iwelli pilot  The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general-purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems….

Syndesis contributed and acknowledged to the article “Towards European standards for quantum technologies” in a special issue of EPJ Quantum Technology.

Syndesis contributed and acknowledged to the article “Towards European standards for quantum technologies” in a special issue of EPJ Quantum Technology. The article highlights the roadmap and use-case development on standardisation of quantum technologies by the CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies, . The article provides a…

Syndesis is presented in the 2022 “SME brochure” of the “European SME Expertise in 5G and Beyond”

Syndesis is presented in the 2022 “SME brochure” of the “European SME Expertise in 5G and Beyond” at  https://www.networldeurope.eu/find-the-sme-you-need-new-page/. The 2022 edition includes information on Syndesis with expertise in 5G, 6G, and the vertical sectors of cybersecurity, quantum technologies, edge computing and healthcare verstical sector, the company is involved…


The aim of the QKD4IntelligentHealth project is to set up a real-world use case where we will apply QKD technology to demonstrate the secure data transfer of encrypted EHR datasets to remote servers for analysis with AI algorithms.

The VEDLIOT project

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to take shape, promising widespread automation and data exchange, one of the biggest challenges is to act on the data generated. The amount of data collected is huge, the computational power required for processing is high, and the…

PHArA-ON Project

The overall objective of the PHArA-ON project is to provide support for Europe’s ageing population by integrating digital services, devices, and tools into open platforms that can be readily deployed while maintaining the dignity of older adults and enhancing their independence, safety, and capabilities. The…


SYNDESIS LTD is within the 24 European SMEs awarded in the framework of the INNOLABS 2nd Open Call. SYNDESIS LTD is within the 24 European SMEs awarded in the framework of the INNOLABS 2nd Open Call. Read more information here